Changes Living

Recovery from an eating disorder

Changes living is for clients who will benefit from the support and supervision of 24-hour care. We support you taking the next step towards your future.

Waiting times

Intake within 2 weeks

24/7 available

088 - 242 6437

Changes Living, for whom?

Changes living is for clients who will benefit from the support and supervision of 24-hour care. Medical and nutritional monitoring, nursing care, compassionate staff, and regular individual and group therapy are provided, along with at-home living accommodation at our residential location. Our multidisciplinary team of treatment professionals is dedicated to meeting each unique client where they are in recovery and cultivating a safe, affirming treatment environment where clients can focus on healing. They are committed to providing compassion-focused support for individuals recovering from an eating disorder and co-occuring mental health conditions.

Our Program

We do believe it is possible to fully recover from an eating disorder.

Changes Living offers living space for people who are on the road to eating disorder recovery. We offer a safe, comfortable environment that eases you back into independent living. The transitional model at Changes living allows for a peer-supported system as a bridge between inpatient care and the return to the ‘real world.’ We help ease the changeover by allowing the individual to acquire and implement the necessary skills to function outside the care of a clinical environment or treatment facility.

4 Phases

Blog Achtergrond Eetstoornis variant 3

"Empowering recovery, fostering hope: where healing continues beyond the clinic doors."

What to expect?

During your stay with us, you will go through three phases.

In the first phase you will be introduced to the team, other residents, your individual counselor, and work on your recovery plan. You will gain insight into self-destructive patterns and begin developing new behaviors in this supportive environment.

During the second phase the focus is on exposure therapy, which will include activities such as preparing meals, managing finances, grocery shopping, and beginning (voluntary) work.

In the third phase you focus on last prepartion to go back to indepent living.

After your departure, we will continue to support you online during the first weeks of living independently.

Changes Living

We do believe it is possible to fully recover from an eating disorder.

Our Team

The treatment team at the South Africa youth clinic consists of a psychiatrist, clinical psychologists, (clinical) psychologists, a social worker, and nurses. Within our teams, a significant portion also has lived experience.The South  African staff speaks English. Therefore, a basic command of the English language is necessary if you wish to undergo treatment in South Africa. Both individual sessions and group therapy will be conducted in English.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any questions about Changes Living in South Africa? Or would you like to learn more about one of our treatments? Feel free to contact us, we are happy to assist you.
Changes living is for clients who will benefit from the support and supervision of 24-hour care. Medical and nutritional monitoring, nursing care, compassionate staff, and regular individual and group therapy are provided, along with at-home living accommodation at our residential location. Our multidisciplinary team of treatment professionals is dedicated to meeting each unique client where they are in recovery and cultivating a safe, affirming treatment environment where clients can focus on healing. They are committed to providing compassion-focused support for individuals recovering from an eating disorder and co-occuring mental health conditions.

Changes living offers living spaces for people who are on the road to eating disorder recovery.

Transitional living offers a safe, comfortable environment that eases the client back into independent living without leaving them without care or support. The transitional living model at Changes living allows for a peer-supported system as a medium between inpatient care and the return to the ‘real world.’

We help ease the changeover by allowing the individual to acquire and implement the necessary skills to function outside the care of a clinical environment or treatment facility.

The emphasis in the 8-phase model is on individual guidance, actively working with the client’s network, strengths, and wishes (Movisie, 2015). The 8-phase model involves systematic and strength-based work, covering the entire trajectory of the client, from intake to discharge. The 8-phase model is structured as follows:

  1. Phase 1: Enrollment Phase
  2. Phase 2: Intake Phase
  3. Phase 3: Startup Phase
  4. Phase 4: Analysis Phase
  5. Phase 5: Planning Phase
  6. Phase 6: Implementation Phase
  7. Phase 7: Evaluation Phase
  8. Phase 8: Discharge Phase
Supported living falls under the Dutch Social Support Act (WMO), which distinguishes between Care in Kind (ZIN) contracted institutions and care institutions that operate under the Personal Budget (PGB).

The client pays Changes living a mandatory monthly contribution of 450 euros.

The contribution consists of housing costs (rent & utilities) amounting to 325 euros, living expenses of 100 euros per month (for which the client receives: breakfast, lunch, dinner, 2 snacks, and 2 pieces of fruit per day, and general groceries are purchased such as cleaning supplies and toilet paper), and a 25-euro monthly contribution to the excursion fund used to organize group outings.

In addition, the client is required to pay a one-time deposit of 325 euros as a guarantee for any damage caused during the program. Upon successful completion of the support program, and if no material damage has been caused to Unite’s property, the deposit will be returned to the client.

Register now

Need help with your eating disorder?

Do you or a loved one need help? We assist you in overcoming your eating disorder. Please leave your details below, and one of our colleagues will contact you as soon as possible to discuss your situation and treatment options.
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